Building Update – 11 March 2023
It has been quite a while since our last update. Many milestone has been reached since then. Our house hass reached practical completion in November 2023, meaning the house now has functioning toilets, kitchen, full electrical power, etc.
This is followed by a flurry of activities, getting our previous existing house ready for sale, home opens, etc. Incidentally our previous existing house sold after our first home open, which then brings with it another flurry of activities, packing, moving (including moving most of our mature fruit trees), taking cutting or growing seedlings for those trees which are too large to move and finally the actual move itself.
Since our move, all tilings have been completed, all doors have been hung and we are continuing with house painting while we wait for the bedroom laminate flooring to arrive. Our driveway is also completed, you can see the post on our driveway here. While the driveway contractor was on site, we got him to dig our first swale and header pond at the same time.
The next 2 months will likely be filled with gardening and planting activities now that the weather is beginning to cool down. The rains still hasn’t really arrive apart from one afternoon where we have a welcome moderate drizzle.
In between that, I’ve managed to capture a little of the Aurora Australis(my first) from my backyard on 27 February but hope to be better prepared in the future so that I can capture a better image of it when the next opportunity arrives.